Remember Me

Traveling the roadways of the country, I’m often intrigued by the roadside memorials I see set up to memorialize the loss of a loved one. I imagine who was the one who died and what their life was like but more interesting to me are the people who set up these shrines. How often to they visit? Who maintains it? How long has it been there? I’ve seen many of them remain for years.

This collection of short videos celebrates the lives of the lost as well as the ones who continue their legacy. All of them were shot with whatever camera I had on hand (usually an iPhone) and at the time that I discovered them. I will continue to document them and hope to learn something about the people who keep them up and those who pay homage.


Dave Perry is a Los Angeles based Director of Photography. Since 2003, Dave has worked with talented directors, producers, production companies, and agencies from around the country to create powerful, award winning work.